Tuesday, May 31, 2011

link for Peg Dictionary online - just give the number

Research - Price perception of Consumers - Very Good


People Remember Prices More Easily If They Have Fewer Syllables

ScienceDaily (June 22, 2006) — In the first study to combine theories of working memory and numerical cognition, researchers find that every extra syllable in a product's price decreases its chances of being remembered by 20 percent. The researchers explain this effect by the fact that our phonological loop – an important regulator of memory – can only hold 1.5 to 2 seconds of spoken information.

"It is not the length of the price in digits that determines how difficult it is to memorize, but rather how many syllables this price has when read," explain Marc Vanheule, Gilles Laurent (both HEC School of Management, Paris) and Xavier Dreze (University of Pennsylvania). "Faster speakers are better at immediate price recall because they can fit more syllables into the phonological loop."

In a study forthcoming in the September issue of the Journal of Consumer Research, the authors show that people who use memorization techniques to shorten the number of syllables have better recall (e.g. read 5,325 as 'five three two five' as opposed to 'five thousand three hundred and twenty five'). Interestingly, the researchers also found that Hungarians, who tend to be faster speakers, have better price recall.

However, consumers store information both verbally and visually, say the researchers. Thus, unusual looking prices, such as $8.88, are recalled better than typical looking prices. People also store magnitude information about prices, remembering approximate figures when they forget the exact price: "We show that prices are encoded in multiple ways and that each form of encoding affects the way prices are remembered."

Reference: Marc Vanhuele, Gilles Laurent and  Xavier Dreze. "Consumers' Immediate Memory for Prices" Journal of Consumer Research. September 2006.

Small Sounds, Big Deals: How Do Number Sounds Influence Consumers?

ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2010) — Consumers remember the sounds of numbers in prices and associate certain sounds with value, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Authors Keith S. Coulter (Clark University) and Robin A. Coulter (University of Connecticut) studied the ability of number-sounds to convey meaning and influence price perceptions.

Previous research has demonstrated that people associate certain vowel and consonant sounds with perceptions of physical size. For example, front vowels (like a long a, e, i) and fricatives (like the English f, z, and s) have been shown to convey smallness, while back vowels (sounds like the /u/ in goose or the sound in foot) indicate largeness.

"Phonetic symbolism affects price perceptions because consumers typically process, encode, and retain numbers (and hence prices) in memory in multiple formats," the authors write. Consumers encode what a price looks like and sounds like along with a relative numeric value that the price represents (such as, "It is inexpensive").

"Thus, sounds associated with the auditory representation can impact the numeric value associated with the analog representation -- that is, small sounds can create the impression of big deals," the authors write.

The authors found that number-sound effects were more likely to occur when a frame of reference (a regular price) was provided. And sometimes, the sounds of numbers created false impressions of value. For example, participants perceived a $10 item marked down to $7.66 to be a greater discount than a $10 item discounted to $7.22.

"Number sounds impact price magnitude perceptions only when consumers mentally rehearse a sale price, as they might do when comparing items on a shopping trip," the authors write. "Further, mental rehearsal of the same sale prices characterized by small phonemes in one language and large phonemes in another language can yield differential effects."

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Sales Prices: 

How Right 

Digits Affect Perception of Discounts

ScienceDaily (Sep. 1, 2007) — The amount of the discount may be less important than the numerical value of the farthest right digit, explains a new study from the Journal of Consumer Research. Keith S. Coulter (Clark University) and Robin A. Coulter (University of Connecticut) are the first to identify a visual distortion effect that may influence how consumers look at sale prices.

The researchers show that "right-digit effect" influences consumer perception of sale prices. When the right digits are small, people perceive the discount to be larger than when the right digits are large. In other words, an item on sale for $211 from the original price of $222 is thought to be a better deal than an item on sale for $188 from an original price of $199, even though both discounts are $11.

In addition, the researchers find that when consumers view regular and sale prices with identical left digits, they perceive larger price discounts when the right digits are "small" -- less than 5 -- than when they are "large," or, greater than 5.

"When consumers examine multi-digit regular and sale prices in an advertisement, they read those prices from left-to-right. If the left (hundreds) digits are identical, consumers will pay less attention to those digits, and instead will focus primarily upon the disparate right-most (tens and units) digits in the price comparison process.," the authors explain.

"Our findings indicate that comparative price advertising can distort consumers' perceptions in ways unintended by the seller."

Reference: Keith S. Coulter and Robin A. Coulter. "Distortion of Price Discount Perceptions: The Right Digit Effect" Journal of Consumer Research: August 2007.

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Introduction to Excel Macros

Introduction to Excel Macros

Macros offer a powerful and flexible way to extend the features of MS Excel. They allow the automation of formatting, charting and other often-used spreadsheet tasks. Perhaps more significantly, macros also enable the user to seamlessly integrate an Excel workbook with another application, such as WinWedge. This article provides an overview of creating, editing, saving and invoking macros.

At its simplest, a macro is just a recording of the keystrokes and mouse actions involved in performing a particular task. At any time after the macro is created, the task can be automatically performed by invoking the macro, which essentially plays back the recording. More advanced macros can display custom forms (with command buttons, text boxes, drop-down lists, etc.) and interact with other applications; these macros typically involve the writing and editing of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) program code.

The examples in this article were created with Excel 2000, but may be easily adapted to prior (or later) versions of Excel.

 Creating Macros

A Simple Macro

If you frequently need to format individual cells in a particular way (for example, currency style in red Arial bold 12-point font), a simple recorded macro will do the trick. Use the following steps to create it:

  1. Select Tools, Macro, Record New Macro to display the Record Macro dialog box.
  2. In the Record Macro dialog box, type a descriptive Macro name (such as "RedCurrency"). By default, the macro will be stored and available only in the current workbook; if appropriate, open the Store macro in drop-down list and select either New Workbook (to store and use the macro only in a new empty workbook) or Personal Macro Workbook (to make the macro available in all workbooks). If desired, edit the text in Description. When done, click the OK button to begin recording.
  3. The word "Recording" will appear on the status bar at the bottom of the Excel window to remind you that all keystrokes and mouse actions are now being recorded. Depending on how your system is configured, a Stop Recording toolbar may also appear in the window. If you make a mistake, simply correct it as you normally would and continue; both the mistake and its correction will become part of the macro, and may be edited out later if desired.
  4. Perform the actions necessary to complete the task. For this example, the actions are:
    1. Select Format, Cells to display the Format Cells dialog box, click the Number tab, select Currency in the Category list, and click the OK button; as an alternative, you may simply click the $ button on the Formatting toolbar.
    2. Select Format, Cells to display the Format Cells dialog box, click the Font tab and then:
      1. open the Color drop-down list and select the desired color;
      2. select Arial from the Font list;
      3. select Bold from the Font style list;
      4. select 12 from the Size list; and
      5. click the OK button.
  5. If the Stop Recording toolbar is visible, click its Stop Recording button; if the toolbar is not visible, select Tools, Macro, Stop Recording.

A VBA Macro

Some macros, especially those designed to interact with another application, must be created using the Visual Basic Editor. For example, the GetSWData macro shown below increments a row pointer, retrieves a single field of data from the Software Wedge, and places it in column A of the indicated row in Sheet1 of the current workbook. Text following an apostrophe is a comment, and does not affect the operation of the macro.


Sub GetSWData()
  'preserve current row pointer value between macro calls
  Static RowPointer As Long
  'increment row pointer (initialized to 0 on first call)
  RowPointer = RowPointer + 1
  'establish DDE link to WinWedge on Com1
  ChannelNum = DDEInitiate("WinWedge", "Com1")
  'retrieve Field(1) from WinWedge into variant array F1
  F1 = DDERequest(ChannelNum, "Field(1)")
  'convert variant to string
  WedgeData$ = F1(1)
  'write data to first column in current row
  Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(RowPointer, 1).Value = WedgeData$
  'close the DDE link
  DDETerminate ChannelNum
End Sub

To create this macro, do the following:

  1. Select Tools, Macro, Macros to display the Macro dialog box.
  2. Type in the name of the macro, and click the Create button.
  3. A code window will open in the Visual Basic Editor, with the first and last lines of the macro already typed in for you.
  4. Type in the balance of the macro and close the window captioned Microsoft Visual Basic.
  Editing Macros

Regardless of whether a macro was created by recording or through the Visual Basic Editor, it is stored as VBA code. For example, the simple recorded macro described above might be stored as follows:


Sub RedCurrency() '
  ' Macro2 Macro
  ' Macro recorded 11/9/1999 by Tal Technologies, Inc.

  Selection.Style = "Currency"
  With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Arial"
    .FontStyle = "Bold"
    .Size = 12
    .Strikethrough = False
    .Superscript = False
    .Subscript = False
    .OutlineFont = False
    .Shadow = False
    .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
    .ColorIndex = 3
  End With
End Sub

If you need to correct or modify a macro, you always use the Visual Basic Editor. The procedure is:

  1. Select Tools, Macro, Macros to display the Macro dialog box.
  2. Select the name of the macro you wish to edit, and click the Edit button.
  3. A Visual Basic Editor window will open with macro's code in it.
  4. Make the desired corrections or modifications and close the Window captioned Microsoft Visual Basic.
 Saving Macros

Macros are saved as part of the workbook in which they were created. If you attempt to exit from Excel without saving any macros you created or modified, you will see a warning dialog box giving you the option to save the affected workbook. You can avoid seeing this warning by saving your work in either Excel or the Visual Basic Editor.

  Invoking Macros

Tools Menu

The standard way to invoke a macro is via the Tools menu, as follows:

  1. Select Tool, Macro, Macros to display the Macro dialog box.
  2. Select the name of the macro you wish to invoke, and click the Run button.
  3. The macro will run immediately. For example, if you invoked the RedCurrency macro above, the formatting of the current cell would immediately change to red Arial bold 12-point font.

Worksheet Button

A more convenient way to invoke a macro is via a command button on the worksheet itself. While you can install a command button from either the Controls Toolbox toolbar or the Forms toolbar, you should generally use only the Forms toolbar. When a macro is invoked from a command button installed from the Controls Toolbox toolbar, the button itself retains the focus, and this may interfere with the correct operation of the macro. When a macro is invoked from a command button installed from the Forms toolbar, the button does not retain the focus and the macro executes normally. To create a command button on a worksheet, do the following:

  1. Select View, Toolbars, Forms to display the Forms toolbar.
  2. Click the Create Button button on the Forms toolbar.
  3. button.jpg (12789 bytes)

  4. Drag the mouse pointer on the worksheet to indicate the location and shape of the command button you wish to create. When you release the mouse button, the command button will appear, along with an Assign Macro dialog box.
  5. In the Assign Macro dialog box, select the name of the macro to be invoked by the button, and then click the OK button.
  6. Type a descriptive name to appear on the button face.
  7. Click in the worksheet, but not on the command button, to de-select the command button.
  8. Click the "X" button at the upper right corner of the Forms toolbar to remove it from the screen.

The macro will now execute immediately whenever the command button is clicked.

Custom Toolbar Button

You can also use a custom button on any of the toolbars to invoke a macro. To create a custom button on a toolbar, do the following:

  1. If the toolbar you wish to add the custom button to is not visible, select View, Toolbars and then click the name of that toolbar to display it.
  2. Select View, Toolbars, Customize to display the Customize dialog box.
  3. Click the Commands tab.
  4. In the Categories list select Macros.
  5. Drag the Custom Button icon from the Commands list and drop it at the desired position on the toolbar. During the drag, a small square box will appear just below and to the right of the mouse pointer. The box will contain a "+" when the mouse pointer is at a location where the custom button may dropped; otherwise it will contain an "x".
  6. Right-click the new custom button on the toolbar, and select Assign Macro to display the Assign Macro dialog box.
  7. In the Assign Macro dialog box, select the name of the macro to be invoked when the custom button is clicked, and click the OK button.
  8. If you want to change the button image, right-click the new custom button on the toolbar, and selectChange Button Image and then click the image you want to use.
  9. Click the Close button in the Customize dialog box to close the dialog box.

The macro will now execute immediately whenever the custom toolbar button is clicked.

Shortcut Key

You can also invoke a macro by simply pressing its assigned shortcut key (sometimes known as a "hot key"). If you are recording a new macro, you can assign a shortcut key to it while the Record Macro dialog box is displayed. Simply click the Shortcut key text box and either type a letter key (to produce a Ctrl shortcut key) or type a letter key while holding down the Shift key (to produce a Ctrl-Shift shortcut key).

After a macro has been created, you can assign or change its shortcut key by doing the following:

  1. Select Tools, Macro, Macros to display the Macro dialog box
  2. Select the name of the macro and click the Options button to display the Macro Options dialog box.
  3. Enter the shortcut key as indicated above, and click the OK button.
  4. Close the Macro dialog box by clicking either the close ("X") button on the title bar or the Cancel button.

The macro will now execute immediately whenever the shortcut key is pressed. Remember to hold down the Ctrl key (for Ctrl shortcut keys) or both the Ctrl and Shift keys (for Ctrl-Shift shortcut keys) while you press the letter key.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Adding Suffix in excel- imp for Rs - #"rs"

Resolved Question

Show me another»

How in Excel can you add a suffix such as mm (millimeter) to a number and still have it treated as a number?

every time I right click on a cell and pick format cell I go to custom and type it in and it says that it can't do that. I want to do inches " as well


In the custom box put

This is a cheat for inches. Put
(hash followed by double quotes followed by two single quotes followed by double quotes)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Koshish karne walo ki - meaning

lehron se dar kar nauka paar nahi hoti
himmat karne walon ki haar nahi hoti
(lehron=waves, dar=fear, nauka= boat, paar=cross, nahi= not,
himmat karne waale= courageous people, haar= defeat)
nanhi chinti jab dana lekar chalti hai
chadti deewaron par sau baar fisalti hai
mann ka vishwas ragon mein sahas banta hai
chad kar girna, gir kar chadna na akharta hai
akhir uski mehnat bekar nahi hoti
koshish karne waalon ki haar nahi hoti....
(nanhi chinti = small ant, dana=grain, chalti = walks, chadti deewar = climbs the wall, sau baar= hundered times, fisalti= slips,
mann ka vishwas= belief / determination, ragon = veins/ nerves, sahas= bravery/courage, banta= becomes, girna= fall, akharta= discourage,
akhir= finally, mehnat= hard work, bekar= useless,
koshish= attempt)
dubkiyan sindu mein gota khor lagaata hai
ja ja kar khali haath laut aata hai
milte na sehej hi moti pani mein
behta duna utsah issi heiraani mein
mutthi uski khali har baar nahi hoti
himmat karne walon ki haar nahi hoti....
(dubkiyan = dive, sindu = indus river, gota khor= person looking for pearls, khaali haath= empty handed, laut = return,
milte = get, sehaj = easily, moti= pearls, pani = water, behta = flows, duna= twice over/ double, utsah= enthusiasm ,
mutthi= fist, uski= his, khaali = empty, har baar= everytime)
asaflta ek chunati hai sweekar karo
kya kami reh gayi dekho aur sudhaar karo
jab tak na safal ho neend chain ki tyago tum
sangharshon ka maidaan chhod mat bhago tum
kuch kiye bina hi jai jai kaar nahi hoti
himmat karne walon ki haar nahi hoti....
Failure is a challenge, accept it,
See what went wrong and improve on it,
Don't rest till you succeed,
Don't give up your efforts,
Praise doesn't come free,
Courageous people never fail.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

one page to landscape in word

Word 2007 Practice: How to Make One Page Out of Many Landscape

March 20th, 2008 | by Loren |

In a long Word document you might need to have one or more pages that are a different orientation. Typically, most print documents are created in a portrait orientation. Being able to make one or more pages landscape allows you to insert something like a large table or chart that would be easier to view as landscape.

If you have a longer document to practice on, skip the first steps.

Create a Long Document to Practice On

Type =rand(12,5), then Enter. Then push Ctrl +A (to select everything), and on your Ribbon, in the Home tab, Styles group, click Change Styles, then Style Set, then Word 2007. This should give you two pages of text to practice on. (The Word 2007 Style Set turned on some paragraph spacing, just makes it easier to see the paragraphs.)

Create the Landscape Page

  1. Move your cursor to the point where the landscape page will be the next page. If you are using the practice document from the above steps, go to the end of the last full paragraph on the bottom of the first page.
  2. In the Page Layout tab, Page Setup group, click the Insert Page and Section Breaks button, then click Next Page in the Section Breaks list.
  3. Enter once.
  4. Insert another Next Page Section Break, following the steps in Step 2. The landscape page will be between the section breaks.
  5. Make sure your cursor is in between the section breaks by turning on the paragraph marks. (Home tab, Paragraph group, ¶)
  6. In the Page Layout tab, Page Setup group, click Orientation and choose Landscape.
  7. Insert your table or whatever your landscape content is into the page. If it is longer than a page, a new landscape page will be inserted immediately after the one you just made.

More About Section Breaks

  • Sections are numbered – the status bar shows the number of the section break where the cursor is. This document would have a Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3. A document with no section breaks would only have a Section: 1.
  • To move to a specific section, double-click the Section button on the Status Bar. Under Go to what: click Section, then enter a section number, click Go To to go to the beginning of each section. This can be a quick way to find section breaks.
  • To remove section breaks, turn on the paragraph marks, use the arrow keys to move the cursor next to the section break and delete.

Popularity: 100% [?]

about section breaks

  About sections and section breaks

You can use sections (section: A portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options. You create a new section when you want to change such properties as line numbering, number of columns, or headers and footers.) to vary the layout of a document within a page or between pages.

Document with section breaks

Callout 1 Section formatted as a single column

Callout 2 Section formatted as two columns

Just insert section breaks (section break: A mark you insert to show the end of a section. A section break stores the section formatting elements, such as the margins, page orientation, headers and footers, and sequence of page numbers.) to divide the document into sections, and then format each section the way you want. For example, format a section as a single column for the introduction of a report, and then format the following section as two columns for the report's body text.

HideTypes of section breaks you can insert

The following examples show the types of section breaks you can insert. (In each illustration, the double dotted line represents a section break.)

Next page inserts a section break and starts the new section on the next page.

Next Page section break

Continuous inserts a section break and starts the new section on the same page.

Continuous section break

Odd page or Even page inserts a section break and starts the new section on the next odd-numbered or even-numbered page.

Odd Page section break

HideTypes of formats you can set for sections

You can change the following section formats:

Keep in mind that a section break controls the section formatting of the text that precedes it. For example, if you delete a section break, the preceding text becomes part of the following section and assumes its section formatting. Note that the last paragraph mark (paragraph mark: The nonprinting symbol that Microsoft Word inserts when you press ENTER to end a paragraph. The paragraph mark stores the formatting you apply to the paragraph.) in the document controls the section formatting of the last section in the document — or of the entire document if it doesn't contain sections.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

screen upside down -

Ctrl + Atl + Up arrow

Turning the computer display upside-down has quite a few legit uses, on wall mounted LCDs for example, but you may also use this as a office prank on some unsuspecting colleague.

*Update: Some users have had problems (see comments) after using the shortcut so please ignore this article. Sorry for the trouble.

So if you have a Windows PC with an Intel chipset, press CTRL+ALT+Down Key to turn the display upside down. Pressing the combination again restores the display.

You may also try the left or right arrow keys to rotate the screen 90° in either direction.

This trick only works if you an Intel Graphic driver as suggested by people on Twitter. [via]

Also check out another scary keyboard shortcut - Alt + Shift + Print.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Link - Solved Question Paper for Banking and Finance


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: varun jain <varunjain_ca@yahoo.co.in>
Date: 11 May 2011 14:46
Subject: Solved Question Paper for Banking and Finance
To: Misc Blog <pridevarun.misc@blogger.com>

Select The Blank
Question The term ________ refers to the act of a bank extending finance to the seller against a letter of credit.
Correct Answer Negotiation
Your Answer Negotiation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Soft Loan Scheme for modernisation is provided by :-
Correct Answer IFCI , ICICI , SIDBI
Your Answer IFCI , ICICI
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Charitable Trusts Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Rajiv Gandhi Foundation


Mutual Funds UTI ,ICICI Prudential UTI ,ICICI Prudential

Statutory Trusts Port Trust Port Trust

Question Under MIGA the World bank offers various forms of Political Insurance.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Commercial Papers are issued by :-
Correct Answer Corporates
Your Answer Corporates
Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date is made in :-
Correct Answer Recurring deposit
Your Answer Recurring deposit
Question Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.
Correct Answer False

State loans are much less liquid than GOI Securities.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
IDBI was delinked from RBI and it became autonomous in the year :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
One of the leading All India FI is :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The largest member of the IMF is the :-
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The foreign currency account maintained by an authorised dealer with its correspondent abroad is :-
Correct Answer
Nostro Account
Your Answer
Nostro Account
Select The Blank
As a banker to the Government, RBI accepts Government deposits at ________% interest.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The word ' Tranche ' is a French word which means :-
Correct Answer
A Slice
Your Answer
A Pit
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Size of the Quota depended upon :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Small Savings
Chit Funds
Chit Funds
NICo of India Ltd.
NICo of India Ltd.
Life Insurance
LIC of India Ltd
LIC of India Ltd
Mutual fund
CPs have to be compulsorily rated.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
If the Bank allows a finance of Rs 95 against a Bill of Rs 100 the difference of Rs. 5 is known as the :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
IIBI (formerly known as IRBI )undertakes :-
Correct Answer
Merchant Banking activities , Lease or hire purchase finance , Consultancy & managerial services
Your Answer
Merchant Banking activities , Lease or hire purchase finance , Consultancy & managerial services
Select The Blank
The loans under________ are based on Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Functions of a Bank's H.O. include:-
Correct Answer
Liaison with RBI , Evolve Policies , Vigilance & Control
Your Answer
Liaison with RBI , Evolve Policies , Vigilance & Control
Multiple Choice Single Answer
DICGC also provides :-
Correct Answer
Security to deposits
Your Answer
Guarantee to borrowers
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Insurance of all employees of a Firm
Group Insurance
Auto Finance
Premium Throughout Life
Whole Life
Group Insurance
Fixed Period Insurance
Insurance of ocean Cargo
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
A Cheque is a Negotiable Instrument.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Which one of the following is not a deposit account?

Correct Answer
Cash Credit account

Your Answer
Cash Certificate

Select The Blank

The ________ does not collect Savings from the Public.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

IMF articles were amended in 1978 to legalise the :-

Correct Answer
Floating exchange rates

Your Answer
Floating exchange rates

Select The Blank

________ is merely an asset created out of book entries.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Correct Answer
Your Answer

Regional Rural Bank
Thane Gramin Bank
Thane Gramin Bank

Public Sector Bank
Indian Bank
Saraswat Coop Bank Ltd.

Private Sector Bank
Bank of Rajasthan Ltd
Indian Bank

Foreign Bank
Bank of Rajasthan Ltd

Select The Blank

Syndication of Loans Globally does not involve any funds as it is ________ activity.

Correct Answer
Non-fund based

Your Answer
Fund based


Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Select The Blank

The repayment holiday period is also known as ________ period.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Zero Coupon Bonds are issued at a :-

Correct Answer
Discount to face value

Your Answer
Discount to maturity value

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

DICGC does not insure the deposits :-

Correct Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Your Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

DICGC does not insure the deposits :-

Correct Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Your Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Match The Following

Correct Answer
Your Answer

Small Savings
Chit Funds
Chit Funds

NICo of India Ltd.
NICo of India Ltd.

Life Insurance
LIC of India Ltd
LIC of India Ltd

Mutual fund

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Which one of the following is a Cooperative Bank?

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Liabilities of Insurance Cos are mostly :-

Correct Answer
Long term

Your Answer
Long term

Select The Blank

GIC raises funds to meet claims from ________.

Correct Answer
Premium collected

Your Answer
Premium collected


Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer

Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date
is made in :-
Correct Answer Recurring deposit
Your Answer Term deposit account
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A current account where the customer can withdraw more
than the balance is :-
Correct Answer Overdraft
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question SIDBI commenced its operations from :-
Correct Answer April 2,1990
Your Answer April 2,1990

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

NABARD Rural Development Rural Development

AFC Ltd Consultancy Consultancy

HUDCO Housing Housing

NCDC Development of Cooperatives Development of Cooperatives

Solved Question Paper for Banking and Finance

Select The Blank
Question The term ________ refers to the act of a bank extending finance to the seller against a letter of credit.
Correct Answer Negotiation
Your Answer Negotiation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Question Soft Loan Scheme for modernisation is provided by :-
Correct Answer IFCI , ICICI , SIDBI
Your Answer IFCI , ICICI
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Charitable Trusts Rajiv Gandhi Foundation Rajiv Gandhi Foundation


Mutual Funds UTI ,ICICI Prudential UTI ,ICICI Prudential

Statutory Trusts Port Trust Port Trust

Question Under MIGA the World bank offers various forms of Political Insurance.
Correct Answer True
Your Answer True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Commercial Papers are issued by :-
Correct Answer Corporates
Your Answer Corporates
Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date is made in :-
Correct Answer Recurring deposit
Your Answer Recurring deposit
Question Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.
Correct Answer False

State loans are much less liquid than GOI Securities.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
IDBI was delinked from RBI and it became autonomous in the year :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
One of the leading All India FI is :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The largest member of the IMF is the :-
Correct Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The foreign currency account maintained by an authorised dealer with its correspondent abroad is :-
Correct Answer
Nostro Account
Your Answer
Nostro Account
Select The Blank
As a banker to the Government, RBI accepts Government deposits at ________% interest.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
The word ' Tranche ' is a French word which means :-
Correct Answer
A Slice
Your Answer
A Pit
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Size of the Quota depended upon :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Small Savings
Chit Funds
Chit Funds
NICo of India Ltd.
NICo of India Ltd.
Life Insurance
LIC of India Ltd
LIC of India Ltd
Mutual fund
CPs have to be compulsorily rated.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
If the Bank allows a finance of Rs 95 against a Bill of Rs 100 the difference of Rs. 5 is known as the :-
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
IIBI (formerly known as IRBI )undertakes :-
Correct Answer
Merchant Banking activities , Lease or hire purchase finance , Consultancy & managerial services
Your Answer
Merchant Banking activities , Lease or hire purchase finance , Consultancy & managerial services
Select The Blank
The loans under________ are based on Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Multiple Choice Multiple Answer
Functions of a Bank's H.O. include:-
Correct Answer
Liaison with RBI , Evolve Policies , Vigilance & Control
Your Answer
Liaison with RBI , Evolve Policies , Vigilance & Control
Multiple Choice Single Answer
DICGC also provides :-
Correct Answer
Security to deposits
Your Answer
Guarantee to borrowers
Match The Following
Correct Answer
Your Answer
Insurance of all employees of a Firm
Group Insurance
Auto Finance
Premium Throughout Life
Whole Life
Group Insurance
Fixed Period Insurance
Insurance of ocean Cargo
Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance
A Cheque is a Negotiable Instrument.
Correct Answer
Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Which one of the following is not a deposit account?

Correct Answer
Cash Credit account

Your Answer
Cash Certificate

Select The Blank

The ________ does not collect Savings from the Public.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

IMF articles were amended in 1978 to legalise the :-

Correct Answer
Floating exchange rates

Your Answer
Floating exchange rates

Select The Blank

________ is merely an asset created out of book entries.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Correct Answer
Your Answer

Regional Rural Bank
Thane Gramin Bank
Thane Gramin Bank

Public Sector Bank
Indian Bank
Saraswat Coop Bank Ltd.

Private Sector Bank
Bank of Rajasthan Ltd
Indian Bank

Foreign Bank
Bank of Rajasthan Ltd

Select The Blank

Syndication of Loans Globally does not involve any funds as it is ________ activity.

Correct Answer
Non-fund based

Your Answer
Fund based


Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Select The Blank

The repayment holiday period is also known as ________ period.

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Zero Coupon Bonds are issued at a :-

Correct Answer
Discount to face value

Your Answer
Discount to maturity value

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

DICGC does not insure the deposits :-

Correct Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Your Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

DICGC does not insure the deposits :-

Correct Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Your Answer
Of foreign Governments , Of State Cooperative Banks , Of the Central Government

Match The Following

Correct Answer
Your Answer

Small Savings
Chit Funds
Chit Funds

NICo of India Ltd.
NICo of India Ltd.

Life Insurance
LIC of India Ltd
LIC of India Ltd

Mutual fund

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Which one of the following is a Cooperative Bank?

Correct Answer

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer

Liabilities of Insurance Cos are mostly :-

Correct Answer
Long term

Your Answer
Long term

Select The Blank

GIC raises funds to meet claims from ________.

Correct Answer
Premium collected

Your Answer
Premium collected


Issuance of CD attracts reserve requirements.

Correct Answer

Your Answer
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question Investment on a monthly basis and repayment on due date
is made in :-
Correct Answer Recurring deposit
Your Answer Term deposit account
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question A current account where the customer can withdraw more
than the balance is :-
Correct Answer Overdraft
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question SIDBI commenced its operations from :-
Correct Answer April 2,1990
Your Answer April 2,1990

Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer

NABARD Rural Development Rural Development

AFC Ltd Consultancy Consultancy

HUDCO Housing Housing

NCDC Development of Cooperatives Development of Cooperatives

Standby letter of credit


In a commercial sense, the stand-by letter of credit guarantees the obligations of a purchaser to pay for goods or services. It consists of the irrevocable engagement of a bank to compensate its beneficiary when the order giver proves to be inefficient. Stand-by letters of credit are used against the remittance of documents which can sometimes limit themselves to the declaration made by the credit or that the debtor has not settled his obligations.
Note : It is easier to interpret this diagram by following the numbering which is designed to take you step by step through the transaction as it unfolds.

The seller will only produce the contract when he has received notification of his payment guarantee being issued through the stand-by letter of credit. The notification either reaches him via the issuing bank, or a second bank situated in his country and plays the same role as documentary credit. Once the goods are ready, they are sent to the purchaser. Normally, payment follows. The vast majority of commercial transactions, furthermore function without incident.

If payment does not however occur, then the stand-by letter of credit comes into play. The unpaid seller asks for the guarantee in the form of a request signed by him and certifying that the purchaser has not fulfilled his payment obligations. He will enclose the documents declaring when the stand-by letter of credit was issued, proving that, for his part, he has fulfilled his obligations properly. It results in payment by the issuing bank.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

List of districts of India - 600

Link - http://dolr.nic.in/Hyperlink/distlistnew.htm

600 districts in india
23 districts in Andhra Pradesh

Flash card and its rules

Flash Cards


Total 8 in Portrat and Landscape mode

Margins – 0, Gutter 0 --- See the Sample



Vertical Flash card
Size of Flash card - Height - 2.5, Width 4

W I d t h –  4

























Horizontal Flash Card

Size of Flash card - Height -4, Width 2.5



























Book Form - -

Two horizontal Flash cards are joined… In one A4 Sheet (H11 and W8.5) we have to tear only two times for 4 book Form Flash card











Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Uploaidng files other than excel, word or ppt in Google - imp

Note - if the file is varun.nbu (Nokia backup file),,, then the we should rename it as varun.nbu.doc and then upload will take place automatically...

When you want to use the the nbu file ... Just donload it and then change the filename again to varun.nbu and play with it.

This was Imp and Necessary. Google can be used as virtual pendrive .... WIOW..

If you are not able to upload files  due to size o rany other reason,,,, try SKYDRIVE.. itiis amazing.

Monday, May 2, 2011

TDS, PT, PF, ESIC, VAT, EXCISE - Remittance, Filling, Slab (Sarita Didis Son)

Expenditures paid for in one accounting period but not completely used or consumed until the next accounting period. Examples of expenses paid in advance are insurance, advertising, and rent. Prepaid expenses are often of a recurring nature. They are shown under current assets.

Service Tax - Central Govt
Service Tax Filling - Halfyearly (25 Oct , 25 april)
Service Tax Payment - 5th of every month for others (company) and 5th of every quarter for individual, propritory, partnership (6th for e payment)
Note - in the month of march, it has to be filled before 30th March
At 9 lakhs - he should obtain registration
If value of taxble value exceeds Rs 10 lakhs - service is required to be paid.
Percentage - 10% (Net - 10.3% --- 10%+2%(EC)+1%(SHEC))

P T - Local Govt (Karnataka)---- new format - eprerena
PT deposited - 20th of every month form 5 (Form 5a - If PT is less than Rs 5000 then - 20days after earch quarter ending March to May 2010, etc....)
PT Return Filling - Annual after 60 days of end of year -( 30 april )(60 days from 28th Feb or 31st march - to check)

P T Slab (old)
Professional tax in Karnataka on Salary or wage earners whose salary or wage or both, as the case may be, for a month is,
(a) not less than Rs. 3000 but less than Rs. 5000 Rs. 30 Per month
(b) not less than Rs. 5,000 but less than Rs. 8,000 Rs. 60 Per month
(c) not less than Rs. 8,000 but less than Rs. 10,000 Rs. 100 Per month
(d) not less than Rs. 10,000 but less than Rs. 15,000 Rs. 150 Per month
(e) Rs. 15,000 and above Rs. 200 Per month

P T Slab (New)
Effective from 1st April 2009, professional tax slabs has been revised in Karnataka, I would like to share the details.
W.E.F.1-04-2009, Employees drawing salary upto Rs9,999/-Per Month are exempted from payment of Professional Tax.The existing slab w.e.f.1-04-2009 is as below:

1.Rs10,000.00/-to Rs14,999/--Rs150/-
2.Rs.15,000/- and above Rs200/-

Remittance callan - 15th every month + 5 days of grace
Return Filling -

1.P.F.Return : The employer has to submit FORM 3A & 6A - Annual Return for the Accounting year starts from March to Febraury of your employees on or before 31st of May

salary slab on which employer has to mandatorily give employer contribution is Rs. 6500 per month
10 or more peolple in org for enrollment

Calculation are based upon basic salary
Employer ontribution - 12%
Employee contribution - 12%
Total - 24%
Employers contribution of 12% of basic salary is totally deposited in provident fund account Whereas out of Employees contribution of 12% , 3.67% is contributed to Provident fund and 8.33% is deposited in Pension scheme

EPF interest - 9.5% (Last year 8.5%)

Scheme Name Employee contribution Employer contribution Paid to A/c No
Employee provident fund 12% 3.67% (Max Basic sal- 6500) 1
Employees' Pension scheme 0 8.33% (Fixed) 10
Employees Deposit linked insurance 0 0.5% 21
EPF Administrative charges 0 1.1% 2
EDLIS Administrative charges 0 0.01% 22

EPF Ceiling Limit

Epf ceiling limit is fixed to 6500/-.The employer is liable to pay contribution only on 6500/- Whatever is the basic salary

check this site for calculation

Remittance challan by - 21st every month
Return Filling - Half yearly - 11 November, 12th May
slabs -

Calcualtions are based on Gross Salary (Basic+DA+Conveyance allowance+CCA+HRA etc)
Employee Contribution - 1.75%
Employer Contribution - 4.75%
Employee state insurance ceiling is fixed to Rs 15000/ Month
The employee who draws Rs. 15000.00 p/m or more will not be covered under ESI
(ie... employess from May 2010 Employees upto Rs 15000 are under state insurance giving wider coverage (also looking at inflation))

Central Exise

Due date of Payment
For SSI Unit - 15th Monthly (16th if epayment )
For others - 5th Monthly (6th if epayment) - - - Note: Big Company

If march - 31st March

Due Dates For Filing Central Excise Returns
Quarterly Return (SSI) - 20th of following quarter
Monthly Return (non SSI) - 10th of following month

E payment mandatory if Excise and Service tax is more than 50 lakhs

Form No Particulars Periodicity
Form 24 Annual return of "Salaries" under Section 206 of Income Tax Act, 1961 Annual
Form 26 Annual return of deduction of tax under section 206 of Income Tax Act, 1961 in respect of all payments other than "Salaries" Annual
Form 27 Statement of deduction of tax from interest, dividend or any other sum payable to certain persons Quarterly
Form 27E Annual return of collection of tax under section 206C of Income Tax Act, 1961 Annual
Form 24Q Quarterly statement for tax deducted at source from "Salaries" Quarterly
Form 26Q Quarterly statement of tax deducted at source in respect of all payments other than "Salaries" Quarterly
Form 27Q Quarterly statement of deduction of tax from interest, dividend or any other sum payable to non-residents Quarterly
Form 27EQ Quarterly statement of collection of tax at source

Earlier - Due dates
The due dates for filing quarterly TDS returns, both electronic and paper are as under:
Quarter Due Date Due Date for 27 Q
April to June July 15 14 July
July to September October 15 14 October
October to December January 15 14 January
January to March June 15 14 June

Current Due dates
The due dates for filing quarterly TDS returns, both electronic and paper are as under:
Quarter Due Date-Form Nos 24Q (Sal)& 26Q(other) Due Date for Form No. 27Q(Int, div) Due Date for Form No. 27EQ (TCS)
April to June 15 July 15 July 15 July
July to September 15 October 15 October 15 October
October to December 15 January 15 January 15 January
January to March 15 May 15 May 30 April


Section Nature of Payment Existing Proposed rate - CO RATE - ind
194B Winning from Lottery or Cross word puzzle 5,000 10,000
194BB Winning from Horse Race 2,500 5,000
194C Payment to Contractors [per Transaction] 20,000 30,000 2% 1%
194C Payment to Contractors [Annual Limit] 50,000 75,000 2% 1%
194D Insurance Commission 5,000 20,000
194H Commission or Brokerage 2,500 5,000
194I Rent 1,20,000 1,80,000 10% 10%
194J Fees for Professional and Technical Services 20,000 30,000 10% 10%

VAT and CST returns (for Karnataka)
Payment - 20th of following month (if tourover more than 200cr - 12th of every month)
Return Filling - Annual return - 30th May

Pls check this out - -- it took a lot of time